Our Blog
Armageddon Brewery Coming Soon!
Congratulations to one of our homeowners, Matt Olsen and his business partner, Christian Annese on opening South Jersey's first Cidery and Meadery, in Somerdale, NJ! Armageddon Brewing has its grand opening on Friday, January 31st! Follow them on Twitter via @Geddonator and like them on Facebook via @ Armageddon Brewing LLC . If you like hard cider and fresh meade, stay up [...]
Martin Luther King Jr Day
Today on Martin Luther King Jr Day, it's important to remember the value of civil liberties for all. Thank you, Doctor King.
Two-Story in Bayville, NJ
Here is an exterior shot of another home we've built in Bayville, NJ! With just a few finishing touches left, this two-story home is on the road to completion! #ManorwoodHomes #selectmodularhomes #twostory #customhomes #modularconstruction #construction
Finished Kitchen in Beach Haven West
Interiors are just as fun to design as the exterior of the home! Take a look at how beautifully this kitchen in Beach Haven West has come along! #SignatureBuildingSystems #selectmodularhomes #customhomes #interiorshot
Cape Cod in Bayville, NJ!
Yesterday gave our construction crews blustery gales, but that didn't stop us from getting to work on this Cape Cod with full shed dormers in Bayville, NJ! Here is a pic while the house was under construction, with more to come later! Make sure to check back here for more!
Ranch in Vineland, NJ
Outside it may be frosty, but that doesn't stop our construction crews from being hard at work setting modular homes! Here is a shot of a ranch-in-progress in Vineland with a paneled garage from #ManorwoodHomes ! #SelectModularHomes #modularhomes #construction #ranch #customhomes #customliving It''s a ranch-in-progress...check back here for more!
Winter Wonderland in Maine
We're in the heart of sweater weather! What better way to enjoy the season than by looking at winter wonderlands in the comfort of a warm, cozy modular home? Check out this Maine home that can inspire your interior design for your next modular home! #selectmodularhomes #Maine #winter #January Click here for more! photo courtesy of apartmenttherapy.com
Holiday Hours Reminder
Please be advised that the sales offices will be closed from Monday, December 23rd to Friday, January 3rd, and will resume normal business hours on Saturday, January 4th. While we will have limited access to email, our construction crews will be working on site. For important questions and inquiries, please contact our email below: info@selectmodularinc.com In the meantime, everyone here at Select [...]
Tree Lady Pro: Maintaining the Earth’s Health
Also known as Bethel Mill Contracting LLC, Tree Lady Pro services in all things tree-related. Whether you need to remove diseased or dying trees or want to plant new seeds, Tree Lady Pro is your girl! Women-run and owned, Tree Lady Pro maintains Earth health! For all intents and purposes, you can call her Mother Nature! Check out her official website in [...]