We’d like to give you an update on our COVID-19 plan. We are in the final stages of preparing to open our offices to the public. We are looking forward to servicing your modular home needs while putting the health and safety of our customers and employees first. 

Appointments will be scheduled to allow ample time and spaced out accordingly with your specific need.  Whether it be, to visit our showroom, pick up brochures, select colors,  or to sit with a sales representative. 

In order to maintain safe social distancing regulations we are following the below listed guidelines: 

  • No more than two adult persons (in addition to the sales rep) may attend the appointment. 

  • You must wear a mask to enter our offices.

  • We have increased our everyday cleaning and sanitizing procedures by regularly disinfecting our office. 

  • We are frequently disinfecting all surfaces prior to and after appointments. 

  • We have hand sanitizer available for your use in convenient locations in our office. 

  • Handshake and physical contact are prohibited. 

  • We have required our staff to engage in proper hygiene by frequently washing their hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds. 

  • We have instructed our  employees who feel ill to stay home and consult their healthcare providers, and we would ask the same of you.

  • If you are not feeling well, have traveled out or the country or think you may have been exposed to the virus,  we would ask you  to reschedule.

Our sales reps are easily available via phone or email. 

While it is subject to change, we expect to officially open on June 22nd according to Governor Phil Murphy’s executive order. Thank you for your cooperation during these unprecedented times. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 

Thank you, 

Select Modular Homes